Choose the world’s fastest growing, life changing solution for hair loss, from the leading scalp micropigmentation provider in Bristol, who also offer Lip Blush an incredible treatment to help you get the true lip colour and shape you desire
Welcome to pro AESTHETICS

modern answer to hair loss
If you’re looking for a hair loss treatment, the solution we have is growing on a faster trajectory than any other hair loss solutions available, scalp micropigmentation has been chosen by over 500,000 men and women worldwide who were experiencing the effects of thinning hair, or even total hair loss. Non-invasive, with no medications and no surgery, scalp micropigmentation is the only option available to offer 100% guaranteed, instantaneous results.Pro Aesthetics is a leading SMP clinic in the South West of England. Based in Clifton, Bristol, our focus is impeccable client care and first class treatment outcomes.If you’ve noticed your hair is getting thinner, or even if all your hair is now gone, we can help restore the natural, youthful appearance you really want. You can also see what other treatments we offer here.
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contact & Bookings

If you have any questions or would like to book a consultation, please use any of the contact details below, or alternatively use the form opposite.
contact information
Pro Clinics 7 Byron Place, Clifton Triangle, Bristol, BS8 1JTOffice: 0117 214 0142Mobile (Andrea): 07384 418 774Email:
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